Monday, January 28, 2008
Happy Australia Day!!
Mood: Bored..
HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY HOLIDAY!!! So happy i get a day off but its a Monday... which makes no difference to me since ive been on summer holidays and working 6 days a week and mondays are my days off... oh well... just cos australia day was on a sat, they have a makeup holiday today...
i went to see "Enchanted" today by myself cos my stupid sis who said was going to watch it with me didn't want to go this morning... oh well... just watching it by myself wasn't that bad... not the first time, i had to watch "Bee Movie" by myself as well... it was sooooo good!!! watching McDreamy for 1 and a half hours... soooo sweet the movie!!!
Also got to watch 27 Dresses 2 weeks before... i sooo loved that movie, sooo getting it when it comes out on dvd... although it was an uncomfortable experience cos there were sooo many people we had to sit at the front row... stupid allocated seating arrangement at Greater Union Castle Hill... it sucks...
Finally confirmed that i got the permanent part time position at Ecolab doing expenses.... that means i had to quit officeworks cos it would've been tooo much for me, especially when uni starts. my last day at officeworks would be the 10th feb... soo sad... it was my first job and i totally loved it there... but if i had to work there til the end of the holidays (start uni on da 10th of Mar) then i would've been working 7 days a week with mon tues and wed at ecolab now that im a permanent team would be just too much, and i didn't need all that stress just before uni starts... so sad... ill definitely miss working at officeworks... it was sooo much fun and just a great environment... also the fact im like a stationery fanatic... just loved it there. if it wasn't so demanding with uni, and ecolab, then i would've loved to stay...
ive been stabbing myself lately for not getting the nanny season 2 when i saw it at coles or even buying it online at Big W when it was on sale... now i cant find it anywhere... all da online prices are back up to $40 sumthing and im not buying it at that price!!! when i knew it was $19.99 at coles and $15.92 at Big w...its killing me... i cant find it anywhere!!!!! i really want to get it!!!
also waiting on my ugly betty... was runner up in a Channel You competition and i get to choose which dvd set i could get from channel you ( and of course i chose ugly betty season 1... been wanting that since it came out and mum wouldn't let me buy it cos we know that it went down in price pretty quickly, it was like $80 when it first came out and now its down to $50 sumthing at Kmart... but shes like im not getting it til it gets down to $30 and im like " its never going to happen". but now i dun have to worry about it cos i won it in a competition... i haven't won a competition for ages, i used win all types of things from competitions in magazines like the barbie one and dolly... the last thing i won was underwear from the dolly magazine i think... haha that was a few years ago... but i cant believe i actually won something ive been longing for!!! its fate!!! heheh... love entering in competitions... also enter the online ones as well... love winning stuff for free!!
lately im on a touch screen fetish... hehe with my prada phone, and my nintendo ds lite, and now my ipod touch (16gbs) that i got from my uncle) hehe everythings touch for me within these few months... and i love it!!!
anywayz been a long blog and just wanted to update since i haven't updated for a while... nothing much has been happening... just been watching a lot of movies and working all da time... also very relieved now that mum's back... dun have to worry about cooking or cleaning on top of work anymore!!Labels: australia day, competitions, dvds, employment, movies
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