Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Mood: Relieved...
guess what?!?! i am finally out of the unemployed population!!! i am now a service assistant in the stationery dept of Officeworks Castle Hill!!! now i could finally cross off some of the things i really want to buy as i am earning money!!!
got the call yesterday morning just before i was about to go to towers to watched knocked up with donna... i start training next wed... but due to my availability i have to go to the second session at 4-9pm... but thats ok!! as long as im employed!!!
as i said before... i was going to watch knocked up... but when we went in they said they had projector problems and told us it wouldn't be too long... but they couldn't fix it. Instead, we got a complimentary ticket and a choice of another movie... or cash refund... of course i'll rather choose the 2 movies for the price of 1 considering i paid for my ticket and i love movies!!! so donna and i went to watch Oceans 13 instead... cos she just say transformers the day before and fantastic 4 took too long of a wait... oceans 13 was just starting and was still in ads when we went in... i was actually better than expected...
sooo bored today at home... packed up one of my shelves to fit my sem 1 notes in.. have to pack up the other ones later... i was also waiting for my online induction email... still not sent yet.. they said it will arrive within 48 hours.. cant wait to do it!! cos its like already 6 hours of pay!! haha grey's anatomy season 2 here i come!!!
the aus dollar is doing strong lately and the exchange rate from hk to aus is like 6.866 im like woah!!! it means that the money i earn to buy stuff in hk will be sooo cheap!!! waiting to talk to my aunt so to find out how much nintendo ds is in hk rite now!!! i really want it.. so practically i've now secured my nds since i got my job and im like sure i wont go back to hk this year! i really want 5 main games... cooking mama, big brain academy, brain training and the sequel, and nintendogs... all look really good!!! cant wait til i get it!!
anywayz... hopefully my email comes soon, thats all for today... not much to say...Labels: games, movies, Officeworks
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