Thursday, December 07, 2006
At least it was betta than last time...
Mood: Undecided...
Finally in hk now!!... still vomitted the way back... but at least this time i ate something so at least i was vomitting something out...
the stomach acids fully burnt my lips, it had like this bleeding wound and it stung... also i reckon i hurt my throat as well... cos it hurts a lot inside... prob because of the stomach acids...
cos this time the breakfast was beef congee so mum was like at least get something in there to come out or it will hurt a lot... so i didn't have my fruit platter and had congee instead... and for the lunch i didn't want to eat... but mum said to have her cheesecake... so i ate a bit of it...
so this time i didn't start cramping as much... i was able to walk out by myself and didn't really start to really cramp up until i got home... prob because by then i got hungry and can't really eat....
went out yesterday around uny, jusco and parknshop to get some necessities and had lunch at the food court in cityplaza cos i remember it not being opened last year when i was here...
nothing much happening yet... will post more...
the results are not meant to be out till 2mr... but they always have it up already the afternoon before the official time... haha
omg my results...
ACCT1511 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1B....79 DN
ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1.................70 CR
GEOH1601 Aust & Global Geographies........86 HD
PSYC1011 Psychology 1B....................81 DN
everything else improved except for accounting... i so would've thought i would improve in accounting... but its exactly the same as last semester at 79... how disappointing....
At 7:36 pm,
Anonymous said…
ouch! >.<
well, at least u ate something this time.....
shopping + food galore = HK~
I'm sooooo going back next year!
Hope you're having fun in Hk! ^_^
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