Thursday, November 30, 2006
Going to HK Soon!!!
Mood: soo bored...
i noe its late... but im so bored rite now... haha
finally finished watching "sassy girl chun hyang" today!!!! its so good!!! loved it... korean drama lovers must watch it!!!

finally got my passport yesterday... luckily... omg so glad mum found out last week... imagine finding out my passport is expired on da day!!! look so fat and square cos my head looked so big in the photo...darn...and this is going to last for 10 years!!! also need to get my adult smart id card from hk this year... haha so much procedures to do this year...
cant believe these few weeks went by so quickly!!! and imma going to hk soon... in less than 1 week. cant wait... any ppl have any requests (or for christmas pressies?)... betta comment now then... haha... i noe nat has already asked me to check jay chou's newest cd...

anyone going to america this hols? i wanna get the Grey's anatomy calendar!!!! i really want it... if anyone see it please tell me where they saw it... especially if u see it in australia!!! help me get it if im already in hk and ill pay u back!!! i really really want it!!! i noe... imma obsessed with grey's anatomy...
was going to go out with all friends before i go... but mary cant make it... rachel only has 2mr... karen hasn't replied... and nats broke... i wanted to see "Nightmare Before Christmas" in 3D!!!... oh well.. i guess we must go out when i come back then...
haha aunt has a whole lot of korean dramas waiting for me to "boil" when i get to hk... must get back safely as possible this time... i have already bought those wrist bands... aunt sent ova "anti vomitting pills" with drowsiness after effects... haha... now all i have to get is the nose peg... was thinking of getting those swimming ones... must find them soon!!! i leave tues!!!
must finish using all my clay soon... cos its drying so i couldn't do much with them... so started to make the little things like cut pineapple, leek, meat mince, pearls for pearl tea... etc... must finish them quickly... but i have no idea wat to do with the big chunk of brown.... so annoying!!!
added some new things to my list of wants (to do) in hk (new things are bolded):
- Miniature clay tools and materials
- Tv Tuner for laptop
- New clothes
- New shoes (esp white boots)
- Sunglasses
- Hoop Earrings
- Amethyst Bracelet
- Clip on webcam
- Printer ink
- DVD Hard Drive Recorder
- Big Hard Disk Drive... eg 300 Gbs
- Cute Folders like the Charmmy Kitty and Mcdull ones i got last year
- Laptop bag
- (italics means things to do) Get new pair of glasses
- Earn Money/Get a Job
- Go to functions/see stars
- Go Karaoke
- Go take a look at new phones/cameras
- Go rent movies i want to watch
- Search through aunts movies collection
- Get TVB Weekly everyweek... and cut pages i want
- Get Angela's autograph... signed on the pic we took last year
- Watch Grey's Anatomy on ATV World (hahaha back to season 2... missed out on some episodes... hopefully get to watch in hk)
hmmm wat else to say... cant think of anything else at the moment... if i do ill prob blog again 2mr then...
At 11:34 pm,
Anonymous said…
Ahahahah! Yay!! U remembered the Jay Chou cd of mine~ I just hope they still have it in HK..... his albums are selling like hotcakes!!
Yea, have a look around for me & come online or send me an e-mail to confirm on prices or if they suddenly start to tell u that the cd comes with this stuff of his~ ^_^
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