Saturday, October 07, 2006
A Week of Hell Ova!!
Mood: Happy!!! Not as Stressed!!!
Finally a week with no assessments due... yeah!!! the coming week (week 11) i dun have any assessments due... but i betta use this week to do all da other assessments due the week afta and finish off my 10 hours of psychology research participation... only 2 more hours to go!!!
Recap on last week:
only went to uni for 3 days, tues, wed, thurs!!! hehe.. so cool, but so tiring cos i didn't really want to hand in my psyc report on tues, didn't feel it was betta than last time, esp the intro. then wed had to quickly finish preparing for my macro presentation on thurs, also got back my accounting mid sessions bak!!! i was so scared but the result came out excellent, lost all my marks in the 2nd question, i totally aced the cash flows part!!! i got 47/52!!! i was so surprised!!. thurs went to uni at the usual time to practice for the macro presentation for the 9am tut, was really scared of the question part that the tutor usually asks afta a presentation... went into the tut and realised another group did the wrong question and they did the same question as ours when they were suppose to do the question 8 one... idiots!!! now there was like a comparison between the 2 groups and i hate that!!! we took half of the lesson going ova our mid session papers, so that took most of the time... i got 12.5/18 for the discussion part... and got 6/9 for the MC... so i did ok... i calculated and that would've been 74%... which is just 1 mark away from distinction...we did our presentation first... so then it wasn't that bad... and because there wasn't much time left, we didn't have to answer any questions... lucky!!! afta da tut, i went to the student lounge to join pixie, tinnie, lisa, jeanie, vicki, will, dan and leslie to celebrate jeanie's bday!! just lazing around chatting, another chocolate cake!!! hehe didn't take pics this time... forgot my camera!!!
finally received the email from ICAA that i didn't get into the CA Achievers program... i knew it considering didn't heard from them for so long... oh well.. now waiting for any replies from CPA... really need to find a job... i want that Grey's Anatomy DVD ... found out that its cheaper to get it from than getting it from hmv itself!!! incl shipping/postage.. its still only $36.74 compared to $48.99 i saw in the store!! big difference... i also want the NCIS dvds..
both seasons.. 2nd season is coming out soon as well!!!
im like on a tv series dvd frenzy!!! i want a lot of them... also looking foward to the "book of shadows" collection coming out November... this includes 42 dvds of all 7 seasons of charmed!!! its been a long time that i was a charmed fan... but kinda slipped away since prue died... luved the first 3 seasons!!! but its like $300 sumthing... need a job... been thinking of writing a letter to TVB Aus to see if they have any part time/casual job offers...
upcoming assessments:
- psychology group 4 exercise (week 12)
- accounting quiz 2 (week 12)
- psychology group 5 exercise (week 13)
- psychology stats assessment (week 14)
- psychology research participation summary (week 14)
- geography finals (week 14)
then the prelim finals exams timetable is out
mon - macro
tues - psyc
wed - accounting... 3 days in a row... dying!! must study soon... but then ill be finished by the 15th... if i really want... i could rush bak to hk to attend to nov 19th tvb anniversary if i could get tickets off cookie!!!
oh well.. betta get started on some assessments.. signing off now...sorry for the long entry...
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