Saturday, July 28, 2007
Soooo Tired!!
Mood: Tired and aching of pain... 
1st week of uni is finish...only went to uni 2 days this week... and worked 2 days... tired...
monday i had 5 hours of lectures straight after another...i now have tuesdays off, wednesday i had a PSYC2071 lecture which i didn't attend cos it was the first day of work orientation and i had to go and since its only a lecture, and it has recorded lectures on webct i skipped it, thursday i had 2 psyc lectures... didn't really get the psyc2071 lecture cos i missed it on wed... and friday worked again... sooo tiring...
i only have 3 days of uni this sem!! sooo happy to be able to fit it in!! so i now go to uni's mons, weds and thurs... for work, since they are still setting up the store, i work tues and fri 8am-5pm... soo tiring opening all da stock boxes and putting them up the shelves and the stock is all over the place so u have to look for the code to know where to put them... i'm seriously aching all body through... and tired.... i woke up at 12pm this morning... did the most of the stocking yesterday...
i want a nds!! i want the pink one... since the aus dollar is so high... that means buying it hk now would be cheaper... been asking my aunt to look around!! she said it will be around $1400-1500 hkd including the R4 and the mini sd card!! i want it!!!
anywayz... just a quick update!!.. i cant wait to get my Grey's Anatomy Season 2 DVD i want it soo much and as soon as i see the money im earning at work in my bank account i'm going to buy it!!! anything i could finally tick off on my List of Wants!!!Labels: employment, uni, wants
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Mood: Relieved...
guess what?!?! i am finally out of the unemployed population!!! i am now a service assistant in the stationery dept of Officeworks Castle Hill!!! now i could finally cross off some of the things i really want to buy as i am earning money!!!
got the call yesterday morning just before i was about to go to towers to watched knocked up with donna... i start training next wed... but due to my availability i have to go to the second session at 4-9pm... but thats ok!! as long as im employed!!!
as i said before... i was going to watch knocked up... but when we went in they said they had projector problems and told us it wouldn't be too long... but they couldn't fix it. Instead, we got a complimentary ticket and a choice of another movie... or cash refund... of course i'll rather choose the 2 movies for the price of 1 considering i paid for my ticket and i love movies!!! so donna and i went to watch Oceans 13 instead... cos she just say transformers the day before and fantastic 4 took too long of a wait... oceans 13 was just starting and was still in ads when we went in... i was actually better than expected...
sooo bored today at home... packed up one of my shelves to fit my sem 1 notes in.. have to pack up the other ones later... i was also waiting for my online induction email... still not sent yet.. they said it will arrive within 48 hours.. cant wait to do it!! cos its like already 6 hours of pay!! haha grey's anatomy season 2 here i come!!!
the aus dollar is doing strong lately and the exchange rate from hk to aus is like 6.866 im like woah!!! it means that the money i earn to buy stuff in hk will be sooo cheap!!! waiting to talk to my aunt so to find out how much nintendo ds is in hk rite now!!! i really want it.. so practically i've now secured my nds since i got my job and im like sure i wont go back to hk this year! i really want 5 main games... cooking mama, big brain academy, brain training and the sequel, and nintendogs... all look really good!!! cant wait til i get it!!
anywayz... hopefully my email comes soon, thats all for today... not much to say...Labels: games, movies, Officeworks
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Will I Get the Job?
Mood: Ecstatic!!!
Been a hell of a week... uncle and his girlfriend came over on sunday and is staying for a week at our house... been going out every day and eating a lot, and i mean a lot!!! i feel soo fat...
Now lets recap since the last time i blogged...
The AHDA Conference was a great experience!! i did satchels and friday lunchtime registrations... the satchels were so tiring!! my thigh muscles still hurt like hell and that was like from last wed... friday registrations i expected more people retrieving their letters and more registrations... didn't do much but still had some great experience helping people and answering queries... even though i didn't know half of the questions asked and had to direct them to someone organising the actual conference... there was also a person who asked where the toilets were and i had a total block... i totally forgot where the nearest ones were... haha oh well...
uncle arrived on sunday morning... nothing much done that day... just really happy to see all da junk food he brought with him and the "fake water" that i wanted for my miniature craft is here!!! i could now make soups and stuff...we went all da way to neutral bay the first night to eat japanese food!!! soo yummy!!
on monday we went to the city... me and my sis went to see "blades of glory" it was soo good!!! i thought it was soo funny and some parts were just omg... so exciting.. haha, when we came out of the cinema there was like a whole line of people waiting to get into the cinema and we were wondering why... then i checked the board of greater union times and on the top it said "tonight's preview screening of Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" and i was like omg... i wanted to go... lucky people get to see it before it actually comes out!! they also got souvenirs... we saw them giving them out b4 they go into the cinema...that night we went to a seafood restaurant on sussex st... had like raw lobster!! yummm yummm... then had abalone, crab, etc.. it was soo good... remember the raw lobster wasn't moving then suddenly it had a small spasm... i was like omg!!! soo freaked out by that sudden movement!!! but it was soo funny...
yesterday i had my officeworks interview... i thought i went all right... felt i could've done better cos i noe you should be interacting more and stuff... but there were 2 women in my group that knew each other so they just kept chatting and in the in between activities part where they said just chat among ourselves i feel that we are also marked on that component as well but it felt rude to butt into a convo when those 2 women knew each other and i really had nothing to talk about and butt into what they are it made me feel bad... also found out that they were interviewing 90 people that day... and only hiring about 24... i was like thats less than a one in three chance... thought i'll have no chance... then when i got home, parents went to blue mountains with uncle and co. while my sis and i stayed at home... played maple and stuff... had nothing to do felt soo good since been nervous and out for nearly the whole week... just so tired... that night we went to Istana the malaysian restaurant in Thornleigh...soo sad... there was no pippis... but the rice was soooo nice!! love their rice every time i go there...
Today has been a long day... we went to Hunter's Valley... didn't really even taste wines this time... just went there for the country feeling and went to this restaurant that had excellent service and food was sooo nice!! the view was beautiful as well... took some photos... ill upload them later...i had nothing to do on da trip there so i listened to my audio book of Harry Potter the first book on my MP4.. after Hunter's Valley we went to "The Entrance" but by the time we got there it was already getting dark so the pelicans were like gone except for a few... still kept on listening to harry potter on my way back...but fell asleep...those are really good in helping you fall asleep seriously... by the end of our trip i was only up to chapter 12 of the book... but the last thing i remembered was like chapter 8... so i fell asleep for 4 chapters... haha.. for dinner we went to a thai restaurant called Doytao Thai in Drummoyne.... been there a few times already.. soo many people but its soo nice!!! i recommend it to everyone reading this!!
been eating soo much for dinner for the past few days always going out!!! soo want home food right now!!! still have to eat out prob for the next 3 days...
just got home and checked my email... haven't turned on my computer for a whole day... felt so weird cos i always turn on my comp as soon as i wake up and turn it off just before i go to bed... was soo anxious when i checked there was an email from coles group saying "job application update" this was what i've been waiting for since the interview yesterday... they said they'll reply within the next 14 days but never expected it to be this quick... haha i opened it but was so anxious so i looked away while its loading and started fixing up my mobile phone cos my uncle was using it today and had to change back the sim card... then i looked at it and it said i was SUCCESSFUL!!!!! i was like screaming up and down!!! im now through to the next stage for the second interview with the store management!!! im one step closer to getting my first job!!! i seriously wouldn't mind working at officeworks!! it looks like a fun place to work at... i love computers and i love stationery!!! *fingers crossed* hopefully ill get it~!!!
Thats all for now... soo excited that i cant type anymore!!!~Labels: dining, employment, holidays, movies
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Holiday Time!!!
Mood: Soooo bored....
Wow i haven't updated my blog in a gazillion years... been ages hasn't it?!?!? The last week has been hell... mon driving test, tues legal exam, wed psyc exam, thurs stats exam... omg practically all early mornings... esp all 3 exams are at 8.45 all da way in Kensington....had to wake up at about 5 o'clock... and its like freezing cold... soo need to recharge and sleep more this next week... Anywayz... lets fill in some significant events that have been happening to me these few weeks...
Firstly... exams... omg i dun think i have ever left studying to the very very last min... i practically crammed all my subjects especially psyc and stats...omg i seriously crammed da whole course in the night really scared now... hopefully i wont fail any of my subjects... soo dun want to stay back for another semester just for one subject....
Secondly... Job interviews... woot, i have only applied for 2 jobs so far through the internet and through mail... and both of them got replies already... it was for the new stores opening in Castle Hill, both are in da same building... one is Toys R Us... and the other is Officeworks... both got group interviews... but i was rejected for Toys R Us after the group interview... so no hope there anymore... but the day after i got my rejection letter, i got officework's email for the group interview... i was ecstatic... cos both are kinda dream jobs to have as a first since i love toys, and stationary... haha... i thought i had no chance cos i applied them within a few days of each other and still haven't heard from officeworks...Recently i have also applied for an accounting firm's vacation work... hopefully i could get that one as well... i would love the experience especially since i want to be an accountant... better start early and see what it is like... been crazy looking for jobs for the holidays lately... since holidays have started imma going to apply for everything... like boost, gloria jeans, easy way, priceline, dymocks, angus and robertson etc... im picky... i have like a no food serving/clothing policy... esp food serving... the most i'll go is for drink serving... haven't applied for much office work, since i have absolutely no working experience so i doubt they'll hire me... and my officeworks group interview is on da 10th july... hopefully ill get the job... really need it and want it...
Thirdly... driving... haha ppls i have finally gotten my P's... sooo happy... especially since i have failed it the first time... i blame it on the horrible weather... both times was raining but the second time wasn't raining as hard and less lane changing... whereas the first time was the kellyville route... i had to change lanes 4 times in raining pouring weather... it was horrible.... second time nearly failed again... but it wasn't my fault... a granny indicated to pull to the kerb so i slowed down... then when i was just about to pass her she suddenly swerved out again without indicating... i nearly failed cos i didn't break hard enough or beeped her... but the supervisor guy was kind enough to give it to me... haha sooo happy got my P's...
heres the photo everyone:

wat do u think? i reckon its ok... except for da bags under my eyes... looks tired...
Also went driving for the first time on my p's today... wat a feeling!!! i reckon it feels soo much free and totally different when driving on L's... cos u dun have to make sure every single detail is followed... like roundabouts... really hate indicating in the really small roundabouts esp when going straight... but it felt sooo good... haha
Since i haven't got a job yet, ive signed up for volunteer work... im helping out for the Australasian Human Development Association Conference which is held biennially... and this year its held at UNSW so the lecturer was looking for volunteers... firstly heaps of ppl signed up but on the first meeting when they are confirming actual ppl who want to be volunteers its like soo little ppl... oh well... i reckon it would be a great experience and will look good on my resume... haha everything on my resume is volunteer work... need a JOB!!! the conference is next thurs to sun, and ill be helping out on the satchels and registration part... which i have a meeting next tues and wed, to sort out which days im going... i signed up for fri or sat... so hopefully ill get those days...also as a volunteer we get to sit in on any seminar we want... so this is also a learning experience as well... psyc related one... haha cant wait...!!!
its only like the 3rd day of holidays and im like bored as hell.... how am i going to last for 3 weeks....??? aunt has sent us some korean series for me to "boil" so hopefully that will last at least a week... and if i get the officework job then that'll be cool... but if i dun ill be stuck at home working on my miniature clay crafts!!! thats cool as well if only i got all da materials i wanted.... My uncle and girlfriend should be coming the week after from hk... so hopefully he has some of the stuff we wanted my other aunt (his sister) to get for us and bring it over... but we dun trust him as he always "放飛機" at the last min... so unless he is actually on da plane!!! i need my stuff... also hopefully he will bring us all da snacks and junk food my aunt has bought for us!! hehehee
yummmm... including squid and stuff... yummm...
anywayz... sorry for the long entry today but its meant to be covering my significant events for the past few weeks and coming weeks... cant wait... hopefully by the end of hols i would have a job... i have already thought of what i want to buy with my first $80... Grey's Anatomy Season 2 DVD!!!! hahahaLabels: employment, exams, food, holidays