Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Wah ahahaha!!!
Mood: Ecstatic!!! 
hahah i got my hair highlighted today!!! omg looks so cool!!! punkish!!! haha
here it is:
looks cool heh?
hehe... going karaoke 2mr.... kerrie got her hair straightened....haha she had to do it for 5 hours... omg so tiring... mine took like 2.5 hours... haha
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Mood: Satisfied...
bought more stuff....
so that means i could cross more stuff off my list
- Miniature clay tools and materials
- Tv Tuner for laptop
- New clothes
- New shoes (esp white boots)
- Sunglasses
- Hoop Earrings
- Amethyst Bracelet
- Clip on webcam
- Printer ink
- DVD Hard Drive Recorder
- Big Hard Disk Drive... eg 300 Gbs
- Cute Folders like the Charmmy Kitty and Mcdull ones i got last year
- Laptop bag
- 3 way ink pens, thin ball point
- new school bag
- new wallet
- (italics means things to do) Get new pair of glasses
- Earn Money/Get a Job
- Go to functions/see stars
- Go Karaoke
- Go take a look at new phones/cameras
- Go rent movies i want to watch
- Search through aunts movies collection
- Get TVB Weekly everyweek... and cut pages i want
- Get Angela's autograph... signed on the pic we took last year
- Watch Grey's Anatomy on ATV World (hahaha back to season 2... missed out on some episodes... hopefully get to watch in hk)
- Help Nat look for newest jay chou CD
haha quite a lot of things done already...
heaps happening these few days that i haven't blogged....
dun remember when... but finally got a webcam... haha...anyone got webcam? could chat!!!
21st... got new glasses... i have lessened my degree... now its 50 25 when it was 75 50...haha new glasses... looks quite good... now the ones i have now will become my spare... haha show u guys later when i pick it up on da 28th...
on da 22nd me, kerrie and mum went to "shum shui bo" to the dragon center for a don and mandy function... got heaps of stuff there to see, bought some more new clothes and 2 new pairs of jeans
....also saw a little shop selling the grace clay that ive been looking for... its $60... still checking out the prices elsewhere and seeing whether there is cheaper ones... buying online is $55 and i didn't get time to go outside in those street shops in "shum shui bo" to see... i also want those clay books.... got a few more in mind...
then on da same day... we also went to "mong kok" to see the cd's in the sino center, also to check out the jay chou "still fantasy" cd for nat.... going to get it the next time i go again... then we went to trendy zone... omg so much ppl there... like so much... they had to close off the entrance and let people in in groups...so much ppl... totally dying...
23rd was meant to be the fansclub gathering... but for some reason it was cancelled... so disappointed...
oh well... there's always some other time... since im staying til 24th jan im sure there is still more chances to ensure we have a gathering before i go... so instead i stayed at home the whole day and at night we had our annual family christmas party and prize draw... ah yee wasn't bothered getting actual prizes this year so it became money prizes... mum got the top prize of $170!!! haha... more money to buy more things!!! also got money from uncle and grandma for christmas!!! haha rich now!!! dun have to work!!! at least for this hols... need to get more clay materials especially books... i saw a few at the bookshop that i really wanted to get!!! cant wait to get them!!!
hmmm... anything else to report?... cant think of any at the moment... so... imma ending here with a:
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Mood: Bored...
nearly christmas... i noe what i want for christmas pressies... i found some miniature clay food books that i really really want!!!
finally got a new wallet... this time it has a lot of card space and i quite like it!!!
so that means i finally could cross something off my list
- Miniature clay tools and materials
- Tv Tuner for laptop
- New clothes
- New shoes (esp white boots)
- Sunglasses
- Hoop Earrings
- Amethyst Bracelet
- Clip on webcam
- Printer ink
- DVD Hard Drive Recorder
- Big Hard Disk Drive... eg 300 Gbs
- Cute Folders like the Charmmy Kitty and Mcdull ones i got last year
- Laptop bag
- 3 way ink pens, thin ball point
- new school bag
- new wallet
- (italics means things to do) Get new pair of glasses
- Earn Money/Get a Job
- Go to functions/see stars
- Go Karaoke
- Go take a look at new phones/cameras
- Go rent movies i want to watch
- Search through aunts movies collection
- Get TVB Weekly everyweek... and cut pages i want
- Get Angela's autograph... signed on the pic we took last year
- Watch Grey's Anatomy on ATV World (hahaha back to season 2... missed out on some episodes... hopefully get to watch in hk)
- Help Nat look for newest jay chou CD
kerrie's finally back so now its easier for me to go shopping... not as annoying as going with mum... maybe going to mong kok 2mr... may.... or just stay at kornhill for the sale at jusco... must get the things i need...
should be going to the christmas fans club gathering on da 23rd... can't wait!!! this means i could get angela's autograph to cross off my list!!! yeah!!!
really want to eat more sushi.... next time with "goo ma" we are going to go to another sushi place... not genki which makes the sushi by hand not machine!!! can't wait...
nothing much happening today... "QQ" is coming today... she's so small...so cute as well... a few days ago i was eating my favourite green tea ice block and her face just looked so evil wanting to have a bite...so i let her and she smiled so evily.... haha and then when i said last bite after a few licks... she bit a big piece out of it... it would've been soooo cold... the funniest thing was when she was leaving, she just rushed ova to me to give me a kiss instead of giving my mum or grandma one... haha... all because i gave her a bite of my ice block haha...
Thursday, December 14, 2006
A week...
Mood: OK la...
haven't updated for a while.... finally have been shopping and got 2 pairs of new boots, one white and one black... both pretty flat ones... but really really cute!!! i was going to get a 3rd pair which was heeled but they didn't have stock yet til the afternoon... so im going back there when kerrie comes back to get heeled boots!!! haha love my new boots...
so that means i finally could cross something off my list
- Miniature clay tools and materials
- Tv Tuner for laptop
- New clothes
- New shoes (esp white boots)
- Sunglasses
- Hoop Earrings
- Amethyst Bracelet
- Clip on webcam
- Printer ink
- DVD Hard Drive Recorder
- Big Hard Disk Drive... eg 300 Gbs
- Cute Folders like the Charmmy Kitty and Mcdull ones i got last year
- Laptop bag
- 3 way ink pens, thin ball point
- new school bag
- (italics means things to do) Get new pair of glasses
- Earn Money/Get a Job
- Go to functions/see stars
- Go Karaoke
- Go take a look at new phones/cameras
- Go rent movies i want to watch
- Search through aunts movies collection
- Get TVB Weekly everyweek... and cut pages i want
- Get Angela's autograph... signed on the pic we took last year
- Watch Grey's Anatomy on ATV World (hahaha back to season 2... missed out on some episodes... hopefully get to watch in hk)
- Help Nat look for newest jay chou CD
haven't really done much yet... still have plenty of time... im seriously not the manic shopping type of person... so ive been boiling korean series with mum at home.. haha still have plenty of shopping time when kerrie comes which is like in 3 days... haha she sent me a sms yesterday saying that camp was crap and that she had to roll in mud and stuff... i told her she had to... thats why i didn't go to my year 9 camp... cos its practically like camp camp...
Went to Tsueng Kwan O yesterday to visit "goo ma" (aunt) cos she lives there... like right above a shopping center which is so cool... cos then theres like heaps of stuff there... we went to Genki (sushi train place) for lunch. YUMMMMM luv that place... mum has been jokingly said that if theres any tvb functions and if i have to go to tvb city and come back late why dun i just go to "goo ma's" place to stay da night cos she lives in tsueng kwan o.... haha also theres a new years countdown thingy with moses chan, charmaine sheh and steven ma function in a shopping center near tsueng kwan o so mum was like stay da night at goo ma la... dun bother me... cos previously mum won't let me go to any countdown functions cos it gets too late to go home... haha... still considering...
also waiting for any reply from angela about our fans club christmas gathering... most likely to be happening near 24-26th as cookie has planned for karaoke... but we are awaiting confirmation from angela to see if she is available... haha must get my photo signed then... also cookie has told me that angela should have a lot of functions during my time here... so hopefully ill get to see her more often and hopefully get a chance to go into tvb city again!!! hahah must get tickets!!!
anywayz... nothing much happening yet... also couldn't take photos of my boots till kerrie comes back with the camera... i could use "ah yee's" (aunt) camera... but not bothered to bother her... so ill guess u guys would just have to wait...
Thursday, December 07, 2006
At least it was betta than last time...
Mood: Undecided...
Finally in hk now!!... still vomitted the way back... but at least this time i ate something so at least i was vomitting something out...
the stomach acids fully burnt my lips, it had like this bleeding wound and it stung... also i reckon i hurt my throat as well... cos it hurts a lot inside... prob because of the stomach acids...
cos this time the breakfast was beef congee so mum was like at least get something in there to come out or it will hurt a lot... so i didn't have my fruit platter and had congee instead... and for the lunch i didn't want to eat... but mum said to have her cheesecake... so i ate a bit of it...
so this time i didn't start cramping as much... i was able to walk out by myself and didn't really start to really cramp up until i got home... prob because by then i got hungry and can't really eat....
went out yesterday around uny, jusco and parknshop to get some necessities and had lunch at the food court in cityplaza cos i remember it not being opened last year when i was here...
nothing much happening yet... will post more...
the results are not meant to be out till 2mr... but they always have it up already the afternoon before the official time... haha
omg my results...
ACCT1511 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1B....79 DN
ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1.................70 CR
GEOH1601 Aust & Global Geographies........86 HD
PSYC1011 Psychology 1B....................81 DN
everything else improved except for accounting... i so would've thought i would improve in accounting... but its exactly the same as last semester at 79... how disappointing....
Monday, December 04, 2006
It's 2mr!!!
Mood: Excited and Scared
Going back to hk 2mr ppls!!!! omg time has gone so fast and i haven't finished packing!!! haha... must do that afta this post!!!
mum finally found the nose clips!!!! yeah now imma going to wear them as soon as i smell food until i think that the smell is gone!!! must not vomit this time!!! so prepared... i also have to print my sudoku's... mum wouldn't buy me those books as they are so not worth it... and she didn't buy me the electronic ones... so i'll have to print them off myself....
also checked which movies will be on... theres:
My Super Ex Girlfriend (seen already but dun mind watching again)
An Inconvenient Truth (Seen parts of it... but want to watch the whole thing)
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest (haven't seen this... prob watch this till i fall asleep)
Monster House (i wanted to watch this so much... especially when it was in 3d)
Love @ First Note (HK movie... might watch this...)
i dunnoe.. theres so much to chose from... theres also my beloved tvb including 15/16 and other ones.. not series though...house will also be on... and CSI... if i dun fall asleep then ill put on my clip and watch movies hahaha... *fingers crossed* hopefully this time ill will be as fine as possible!!! must conquer!!!!
Must fall asleep... hopefully the medicine will help me do that... must sleep as much as i can!!!