Thursday, November 30, 2006
Going to HK Soon!!!
Mood: soo bored...
i noe its late... but im so bored rite now... haha
finally finished watching "sassy girl chun hyang" today!!!! its so good!!! loved it... korean drama lovers must watch it!!!

finally got my passport yesterday... luckily... omg so glad mum found out last week... imagine finding out my passport is expired on da day!!! look so fat and square cos my head looked so big in the photo...darn...and this is going to last for 10 years!!! also need to get my adult smart id card from hk this year... haha so much procedures to do this year...
cant believe these few weeks went by so quickly!!! and imma going to hk soon... in less than 1 week. cant wait... any ppl have any requests (or for christmas pressies?)... betta comment now then... haha... i noe nat has already asked me to check jay chou's newest cd...

anyone going to america this hols? i wanna get the Grey's anatomy calendar!!!! i really want it... if anyone see it please tell me where they saw it... especially if u see it in australia!!! help me get it if im already in hk and ill pay u back!!! i really really want it!!! i noe... imma obsessed with grey's anatomy...
was going to go out with all friends before i go... but mary cant make it... rachel only has 2mr... karen hasn't replied... and nats broke... i wanted to see "Nightmare Before Christmas" in 3D!!!... oh well.. i guess we must go out when i come back then...
haha aunt has a whole lot of korean dramas waiting for me to "boil" when i get to hk... must get back safely as possible this time... i have already bought those wrist bands... aunt sent ova "anti vomitting pills" with drowsiness after effects... haha... now all i have to get is the nose peg... was thinking of getting those swimming ones... must find them soon!!! i leave tues!!!
must finish using all my clay soon... cos its drying so i couldn't do much with them... so started to make the little things like cut pineapple, leek, meat mince, pearls for pearl tea... etc... must finish them quickly... but i have no idea wat to do with the big chunk of brown.... so annoying!!!
added some new things to my list of wants (to do) in hk (new things are bolded):
- Miniature clay tools and materials
- Tv Tuner for laptop
- New clothes
- New shoes (esp white boots)
- Sunglasses
- Hoop Earrings
- Amethyst Bracelet
- Clip on webcam
- Printer ink
- DVD Hard Drive Recorder
- Big Hard Disk Drive... eg 300 Gbs
- Cute Folders like the Charmmy Kitty and Mcdull ones i got last year
- Laptop bag
- (italics means things to do) Get new pair of glasses
- Earn Money/Get a Job
- Go to functions/see stars
- Go Karaoke
- Go take a look at new phones/cameras
- Go rent movies i want to watch
- Search through aunts movies collection
- Get TVB Weekly everyweek... and cut pages i want
- Get Angela's autograph... signed on the pic we took last year
- Watch Grey's Anatomy on ATV World (hahaha back to season 2... missed out on some episodes... hopefully get to watch in hk)
hmmm wat else to say... cant think of anything else at the moment... if i do ill prob blog again 2mr then...
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Sooo bored....
Mood: Bored
dun noe what to do... added a list of wants to the side of my layout... haha... so much things i want...
also im going to add a list of things i want (and to do) in hk this year (just things i want... doesn't necessarily mean i will get):
- Miniature clay tools and materials
- Tv Tuner for laptop
- New clothes
- New shoes (esp white boots)
- Sunglasses
- Hoop Earrings
- Amethyst Bracelet
- Clip on webcam
- Printer ink
- DVD Hard Drive Recorder
- Big Hard Disk Drive... eg 300 Gbs
- Cute Folders like the Charmmy Kitty and Mcdull ones i got last year
- (italics means things to do) Get new pair of glasses
- Earn Money/Get a Job
- Go to functions/see stars
- Go Karaoke
- Go take a look at new phones/cameras
- Go rent movies i want to watch
- Search through aunts movies collection
- Get TVB Weekly everyweek... and cut pages i want
hmmm... what else... cant think of anything else at the moment...
no idea what to put on my resume.. its so empty...
Name Karen Hui
Address (not telling u guys.. haha)
Phone Number (not telling u guys... haha)
Present University of New South Wales
Studying Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science planning to major in Accounting and Psychology
Cherrybrook Technology High School
High School Certificate - Advanced English, Extension 1 Maths, Business Studies, Legal Studies, Chemistry, Information Processes and Technology
UAI 97.75
Work Experience
Round Corner Post Office
School Work Experience Placement 3 days
Duties included posting services and customer service
Volunteer Work
- Red Cross March Door Knocking Appeal
- Legacy Badge Day Helper
English - Fluent oral and written
Cantonese - Fluent oral, can read most Chinese, can write some Chinese
Mandarin - Currently learning, can speak simple conversations
Beginner - Adobe Photoshop (2 years), Macromedia Fireworks (2 years), Macromedia Flash (just learning).
Intermediate to Advanced- HTML Language (2-3 years), Microsoft Word (5 years), Excel (3 years), Powerpoint (4 years), Access (2 years), Frontpage (3 years).
Confident user of Internet Explorer
Interest and Hobbies
Making crafts, websites, learning new languages, swimming, badminton.
References (got 2 family friends - one's a piano teacher, another is a project manager)
i seriously haven't done much things... and i have absolutely no previous employment... i suck...what else can i put?
Friday, November 24, 2006
New Layout...
Mood: Depressed...
how u guys reckon bout my new layout? i was really bored so i felt like making one... hope u guys like it...
im soooo bored... cant wait til monday... going out to da city with nat...
went to chatswood today... for the doctor to see my ultrasound results... guess what?... its another lump!!!! omg... no more chicken for me as chicken especially the skin has added hormones to it~!!... so despression... its smaller than last time but further in and away... not like last time... prop dun need surgery this time... but need at least to take out some cells to see if its dangerous or not...
cant believe this is happening to me again!!! in just under 2 years as well... mum was like no more chicken for u!!! advice to fellow girl friends, check yourself at least once a month!!!
mum also crash and fully scratched our echo today... driving back from chatswood... i think she was too tired and kinda steered into another car... but not that strong... only major stratch on driver's side near the front... i had no idea what happened cos i was having a nap... woke up when i heard a big bang....
what a disastrous week...first the passport expiring... then the lump... now the car... when is this going to end!!!!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Soooo Dead~~
Mood: Frustrated!!!
omg just realised my passport has just expired on da 16th... full on rushing the application rite now... but now the problem is the name... i cant use karen cos it not on my birth cert/citizenship cert... but my old passport had karen cos a "also known as" paper was used... now since sept that cant be used so now im stuck with ka yan... i would have to get the name change cert but wont be able to get it in time ... must get passport first in order to leave on da 5th... as it takes 10 working days to get it done... usually takes less... thinking of probably doing the priority 2 working days one... but then i have to go out to the city to do it...O.o... so annoying sooo screwed!!!
finally finished watching the korean series "My Girl" it was sooooo good~!!!! loved it!!! must get it and watch it again!!! hahaha...
Sunday, November 19, 2006
More Miniatures...
Mood: Still bored...
Finally finished my miniature frame.... haha here it is:

Told u its a noodle bar!!! haha isn't it cute?!?!?
ive also made mini 壽飽... and 免仔飽... made it at like 11pm last nite... i was bored... needed something to do when i came across this website:
its like the best website for those who want to learn more about the miniature clay craft world!!!
its really cool
This was how to make the 免仔飽 (pics thanx to 靈兒):

it sooo cool
This is my pic...:
Of course it isn't as nice....must perfect it!!! usually its using light clay "輕粘土" but i didn't want to open my pack yet... cos then if i open it, it has to be all used up quickly within like a month or it will dry out..
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Poor Boy仔
Mood: Bored
it has only been 3 days since the end of exams and start of holidays and im bored already!!!
Poor Boy仔... he has been bitten on the left and rite sides, it has 3 patches without fur... we reckon its the blue tongue lizard in our backyard which bit him... he was like bleeding before...poor Boy仔... dad was so brave, he tried to find it today and caught it... hahah
omg i saw it and it was humungus!!! it also lost its tail and its this ugly looking thing...
(click to enlarge for all pics)
heres a pic:

Then dad took it to the park near our house and let it free... hopefully it doesn't come back
haven't been doing much these few days... be making some miniature clay foods, and working on my next miniature frame... this time its a noodle bar...
when its done ill put up the pics!!!
but ill show u guys the clay foods first...
hehe could u guys guess what it is? yepyep its a prawn sushi, abalone and an egg sunny side up!!! hahaha... making more soon...
put the 5 cents coin there so u guys could think how small it is... i reckon its already big... some ppl could make it like half the size with the same amount of detail... that what im aiming for!!! must get more of the materials in hk!!! must learn more!!! hahaha
also made flowers out of clay... did it at a church mother's group my mum goes to... but i knew they were learning clay craft this term so i wanted to go as well!!! haha... and this is the final product: (haven't had time to put it in a vase yet...
nice hey? hehe... it was quite easy...
u noe me... imma crafty person always love to make crafty stuff...
for those who haven't seen my miniature frames before... here they are again...
haha aren't they so nice? they are order by which ones i did first...

and this last one u guys prob haven't seen before cos i forgot to show it to u guys... but here it is!!!

cant wait till i finish the next one... noodle bar coming up!!! haha ill post it when i finish... nearly done...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Officially Ova!!!
Mood: Relaxed and Relieved!!!
All exams are finished and im officially on holidays for then next 3 months!!! wow this year really went by so quickly....
the final exams were ok... didn't have much time to study for them though... was so distracted during stuvac that i didn't do that much...
macro - overall it was ok but i totally forgotten what determines the demand for money...
psychology - omg so many people i dunnoe....there was one MC question about a theory and i picked the rite answer the first time... but i hesitated cos i wasn't sure... and now i cant remember whether i changed it...i could only afford to get around 18 out of the 120 questions wrong if i want to keep my HD... cos so far im sitting on 85...>.<
accounting - it was good... my cvp was correct cos i checked my answer by working backwards so it is definitely correct... i just didn't noe the accounting policy choice question... and the format of the budgets...the sales and production budget i knew the format... its the direct materials and the direct labour one... but i ensured i put everything that was given so hopefully i will be able to get some marks...
im going back to hk on da 5th dec.... cant wait... kerrie has to go back by herself cos i cant go back by myself... im determined this time to not vomit or be sick... have like a whole defense plan... im going to wear those swimming nose clips so i dun smell the food smell... then im going to wear those bracelets ppl say that they help... *hopefully* thenim going to drink some wine when i get on da plane so i could sleep a bit betta and more out of it... hehe... lets just hope this time i could get out of the plane by myself and dun have those horrible cramps...
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Finally Finished a year of Uni...
Mood: Estatic!!!
omg this year went by so quickly... i have finished all my lectures and tuts this year... haha!!! only 3 more exams to go and my year is finished with a 3 month break... hahahah what am i going to do for 3 months?
still thinking whether to go to hk... if i do i have like a huge problem on how to get to hk and who with... cos if nat and i go we would be travelling on qantas... but then usually ill be getting return tickets but i would usually be going back with mum... so then it would be hard as mum usually takes cathay pacific... hai... so much to think about!!!
so much to study in so little time... only a week of stuvac and my exams are like on mon, tues, wed... 3 days in a row...
felt like eating strawberries today... so i had them with chocolate... hahaha ... yummmm... had some with melted chocolate and some i left for a while to have a crispy chocolate shell...