Sunday, May 17, 2009
OMG my room was so untidy... no wonder i couldn't study...
have a look at these before and after pics...

Also been really obsessed with this facebook game lately... getting everyone hooked as well... i keep it on mostly to get my gourmet points... but just cant stop playing... haiz...
It's Restaurant City!!!
Please join and play the game!!! i want more ingredients!!!

this week i have a week free of any assessments due!!! yeah!!! but then it means i should really use this time to do the assessment and study now!!! why do i have no motivation to do anything lately? especially since i know things are due, i keep procrastinating til the last min and i have to do an all nighter sleep at 5am... when i know i could avoid it!!! why?!?!?!?! Whats wrong with me??!?!?!Labels: cleaning, procrastination, Restaurant City