I cant believe this semester has gone soo fast... its week 11 already, only have one more week left and then its exams!!
ive got 2 more assignments to go... haiz... just dont know how to start...its due next thurs... but i dun go to uni on thurs so i have to finish both of them by wed... haiz...that means i have 4 days..sooo screwed!!!
just got a letter containing my TV Buddy phone string from the submitting of opinion survey for TVBA.. i already had one from the TVB Weekly from hk that my aunt sent over... but i wanted another one.. haha
As you can see the one on the left is the one i got, it has no colour, just black and white.. the hk one had the colour of the tv buddy.. hehe now i have 2!! also got a letter saying i won the draw for the "A Step in the Past" 項少龍 公仔!! haha i thought that was funny... something else to add to my tvb collection.. haha
soo many bdays coming up soon... nats, rachels, dads... have to get soo many presents!!! i dunnoe what to get... what do u guys want?!?!?!
recently got an invitation to my cousin's wedding.. wow this is da first cousin out of 10 of us from my dad's side that is getting married... but he lives in switzerland... as if i could travel that far for a wedding..... its also during august... so during uni time is not good.
currently watching forensic heroes 2.. omg soo good, just as good as the first one i think... just watched last nites episode...sooo sad.. hope it gets even better...

greys anatomy season 4 just finished last week... omg soo good... merder finally together!!! cant wait til season5... i cant believe its season 5 already... but i have to wait til sept... i cant wait that long...ill guess ill be reviewing every episode season1-4 during the holidays while waiting... it was a beautiful ending:
also got my stats class test 2 on wed... omg i was soo shocked at my mark... i seriously though i failed cos i didn't know wat i was doing and didn't get to finish it... i seriously thought i did the first question wrong cos i didn't get it...
but guess what?! i actually got everything i did right!!! out of all da questions i attempted, i got it all right... omg if only i got more time.. then i might of gotten higher marks... so i got 10/15...cos i stopped after finding my SSc for the scheffe process...haiz... if only...