Wednesday, April 30, 2008
At Uni...
Mood: Bored...
At uni at the moment, sooo bored... had to come to uni early as mum has to go dancing today... i have no class today until 12 due to no auditing tut this week... haiz... i noe i should probably be studying... but really don't have the motivation...
soo tired.. maybe i should stop sleeping at 1am each night... but i cant help it... i love watching DIF 4...
maybe i could work on my website rite now... hmmmm
kerrie got her braces... hahah and practically living off congee at the moment... soo funny... i remember when i had braces... but having it so late in year 11 is weird, hope she has them off before her formal...
Lately ive been contemplating on whether to take a year or even half a year off after graduation... i really would love that time to either travel (must conquer fear first) and just explore instead of diving straight into full time work... i feel the need for more experience first... don't want to be stuck into employment for the rest of my life without havin lived first... what do you guys think? anywayz... ill noe when i get there...
betta go back to studying or something instead of procrastinating..Labels: employment, experience, tvb madness, uni
Sunday, April 27, 2008
New Tvb Madness!!! website
Mood: Procrastinating...
Hey!!.. i noe its been a long time since i worked on my website but suddenly feel like working on it again...
im in da process of moving everything to a blog platform, so its easier to manage, it will still look a bit like a website, but put on a blog platform so things are easily managed and updated without having to upload new webpages and create new webpages whenever theres a new series or new actress etc... by using a blog platform, ill just have to make a post like this one, and just link it back to the posts. this could be done due to nature of blogger having labels so you could categorise your posts... which makes my life sooo much easier since tvb is constantly changing and i don't have the time to make new webpages and upload them every day... at the moment its at which used to be the chinese blog for my site, but now i used it for the actual site, but i won't like it back to the official until i have posted most of the information from the old website...I'm calling this one my version 4!!
hope people come back to the Tvb Madness website once i got it up and running and i should be able to update it at least once a week...
most people may say why bother since theres so much tvb blogs out there... but im just obsessed with tvb and so many different things, ive worked so hard on the website before and i just want to continue, also mine is different in the fact that mine isn't a blog, its still the website, but just hosted on a blog platform for easy management. It will still be the information on tvb series/artistes website it used to be..Labels: tvb madness, website
Friday, April 25, 2008
Mood: Ecstatic!!
OMG i am soooo shocked.... considering PSYC3001 test...i really thought i failed, i had the feeling of fail as soon as i did the test, cos i couldn't get my sums of squares greater than the sums of squares critical... that meant i couldn't go on to the next part... thats 8 marks of the test i couldn't do... considering the test is only 15 marks... i should've failed... but the marks came up yesterday!!! i was soooo shocked... i just passed!!!! at least i have kept my record of haven't failed anything at uni yet!!! omg i got 8/15... it shouldn't of happened!!! maybe they gave me a mark of writing a complex contrast? i dunnoe, but i was shocked!! but that also means that my PSYC3001 mark so far is credit... from hd to credit... haiz... i did so well for the first one with 91/100, now 8/15 pulls me back down to 17.1/25... of the 25% of the course we have assessed on so far... must do really well in da next 2 assignments in order to bring myself back up!!
I have finally bought the sudoku converse shoes i wanted!!! hahaha... thnx to nat for telling me DFO had a converse chucks sale for only $40... i also wanted a pink bunny one, but it didn't have my size...or i would've gotten 2 pairs.. feel the need for more shoes.. i just usually always wear my sketchers ones...

Its ANZAC day!!! long weekend!!! it sounds really good, but i have to use this time to study for the auditing mid sem... haiz... must do really good!!! i really want a d again in my acct subjects, need to pull my WAM back up!! but i dunnoe why i just dun have the motivation to do anything anymore, and work plus uni just takes the life out of me... im always tired... am i going to cope?
Also my room is a mess.... like i really need to find the time to just throw away a lot of crap!!... but i just don't have the time... ill upload a 360 degree video of my room soon as per request of tinnie!! haha... i promise to upload it soon...
Anywayz.. betta start studying...
Labels: ANZAC, cleaning, results, shopping, study
Monday, April 14, 2008
Feel like Shopping!!
Mood: Period Shopaholic...
There is so much stuff i want to buy lately....i want to get the May issue of Cosmopolitan today...
but when i got to the newsagency to also get my travelten, they didn't have any cosmos left... i was like "what the?"
maybe ill try to find it on campus 2mr...
Been looking at converse shoes lately... i know my feet are bad and cant really wear them cos i dun have much of a foot bridge therefore the converse shoes, because they are so flat are bad for my feet, but i still want a pair, i have similar shoes, but i want the CONVERSE brand
Here are some of the ones ive been wanting:
This is the one i want the most but i cant find it in hk or aus, maybe if i really want it i'll have to order it from the US
This is my second choice... hehe.. sudoku patterned!!! i reckon it looks so cool, also black and white is easy to match with other clothes....

These 2 there isn't much of a preference over the other, but i reckon the greyish looking one is simple and its called a violet grey... so it still has a hint of purple on it.. hehe... the patterned one is called bathroom wall... i reckon it quite cool and look graffiti like but as my sis says, you could do the same thing with ur own patterns if you bought a white one and decorated yourself...
Also feel like wearing make up lately, been putting on my favourite dolly perfume, but feel like putting on foundation/powder as well... kinda want to try the L'Oreal Bare Naturale one.. its like mineral powder so it gives you a natural look without looking like you have a lot make up on...

Anywayz... enough of my ranting... and as my facebook status says "Karen feels she needs to spice up her social life..."Labels: shopping
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Cleaned UP
Mood: Tired and Aching
Had my first cervical cancer vaccination shot today.... my left arm hurts a bit, its like sore...
I have kept my word and started to tidy up my had so much stuff.. i just quickly put things back where they were suppose to go and tidied up a bit, but i reckon i'll need to find a day to actually go thru my room and see what needs to be thrown out... i have a feeling theres a lot of crap which can be thrown out... To show the difference of my tidy up... here are before and after pictures:






Shocking heh? it was sooo untidy... i didn't have room to do any of my homework or assignments... now i can!!! at least i have more room now!! yeah!!!...
Now, to start my assignment for legal and audit... and catch up on some reading... Also have to think of what to get Karen for her birthday... hmmm what to get her... she seems to buy a lot lately... what should we get her that she hasn't bought recently?... very difficult indeed...
been seeing the pictures of Mary in Japan on Facebook... so jealous!!! makes me want to go on exchange!!! either that or take a year off once i graduate before starting work... Ive been thinking about that lately... either to take a year off or go straight into work... i kinda dun wanna go straight into work, but one year seems so long... 6 months would be best... but usually most people would've found jobs by then and harder to get in mid year... i would love to travel... if only i could.... MUST CONQUER PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEM WHEN FLYING!!!Labels: cleaning, travel, vaccination
Friday, April 11, 2008
Soooo Busy!!
Mood: Dangerously Tired...
I cant believe how busy ive been lately... haven't blogged for a full 3 months... wow...My life rite now just consists of work and uni... how boring... really need to find something to do but im soooo tired all da time, dun even have time to work on my website or blog anymore...
So much work to do... have 2 assignments coming up and heaps of reading to catch up on especially for legal, audit and learning...
haiz... i work 4 days a week, uni 4 days a week... only have the weekends off from everything else, but have homework to do... but because of the busy week i usually sleep in and don't wanna do anything on da weekends... IS THERE A CURE FOR PROCRASTINATION?
Birthdays are coming up... so i'll take this opportunity to say HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO DONNA AND KAREN!!!
My room is sooo untidy again, the 2 tables have so much paper and stuff on it, and the room is full of clothes just everywhere!!! must clean it up today or tomorrow in order to do my assignments and stuff....
Anywayz... just a quick rant... prob have so much more to talk about but sooo not bothered... should really spend my time getting my grades back up!!Labels: birthdays, employment, uni