Friday, March 30, 2007
Earth Hour
Mood: Bored
Wow i haven't updated my blog for a long long time... anywayz... here to promote Earth Hour... on Sat 31st March 2007 Sydneysiders are encouraged to turn off their lights for 1 hour between 7:30 and 8:30 pm... this is the first step in trying to achieve a 5% reduction in greenhouse gases emissions this year... not just Sydneysiders could to participate, anyone could!!!

Anywayz.. after Earth Hour... its actually been a long time since ive blogged!!! even my bday has passed and i haven't blogged... thats cos not much has been happening lately... but ive finally gotten the first season of grey's anatomy for my bday!!! could finally cross that off the list!!! hahaha i also got necklaces, lava lamp (ive neva had one b4 haha), Lush products...(too bad i dun have a bath tub for the bath bomb ...), a lot of snacks/food/chocolate (yummmm) and a manager's chair from mum and dad!!! so comfortable with a high back and arm rests... hahaha!!!
anywayz... have quite a few assessments coming up... must start on the research soon... or i'll be sooo screwed!!!