Went to see "The Devil Wears Prada" today... came out yesterday in the cinemas... soo good!!! i loved it!! a bit different to the book... but really good, great acting by meryl streep! but i didn't get to finish reading the book before i saw the movie... stupid psychology report and macro presentation as well as last few weeks of mid session left me unable to read my book... i am now like 2/3 of the way and watched the movie... now i must quickly finish reading the book and see what else was different!! hehe
talking bout psyc report... im finished!!! all the major writing and thinking is done and im up to the editing part... which is kinda hard considering i find so much stuff that needs to change and add to it... its horrible to make it good... cos i stuffed it last semester with my half research report... must do BETTA this time!!! or else!!! due first day back... tues... so not looking forward to it
macro presentation is also due first week back... on thurs... so screwed since i haven't started on my part and it has to be shown to my partner by tues, and we have to work on the plotting graph thingy on tues as well... in order to be prepared for thurs. must also read up on my macro knowledge cos i noe that no one in the class will be asking questions but my tutor will... hopefully it wont be that hard *fingers crossed*
Other than today... i have absolutely haven't been out this "holiday" break... not even a break considering i had so much to do... no fair... had friends from uni as well as other uni's that hav absolutely no work or didn't do any and went out everyday... :(
finally found the "grey's anatomy" season 1 dvd!!! at castle hill HMV!!! found it.. $48.99!!! but not allowed to buy it...:( no fair... mum was like u won't be getting it unless u earn the money urself... and that does not include the money in my bank... cant touch that... must get a job in order to get the dvd!!! i need a job!!! and im so fussy/picky that i noe i wont be able to get one... cant wait till season 2 comes out as well...
neva got a reply for the CA Achievers work experience program so i noe that i must have failed... darn... now it depends if i get the CPA one... if not.. then ill have to find a casual job at some department store or supermarket...and if i cant find it/ or dun want it... then ill be going to hk this year...
Face to Fate is ending 2nite... very exciting... hopefully raymond turns back to good... he was so evil in last nights episode... can't wait!!!
well betta get back to working on my macro/psyc now... ttyl!!
Finally i've got a break... the mid session break but only for one week... this is sooo not enough considering this wouldn't even be a break for me... ive got so much work to do this so called "holiday" that its definitely not a holiday...
Things to do: - Finish Psychology Research Report (High Priority) - Finish Macroeconomic Presentation (High Priority) - Finish Psychology Online Statistic Modules - Complete CPA Application - Start on Geography Photographic Essay - Catch up on reading of chapters for all subjects Other (if time permits): - Work on Website - Go see The Devil Wears Prada - Have a movie marathon weekend with sis
Must do most of these things within this week... especially the psyc and macro... due first week back... soooo screwed!!!! the psyc report is soooo hard... considering i did pretty bad last semester with a half report... this time its a full one must do it betta!!!
It's a bit late now... but 19th Sept was Vicki's Bday... i especially skipped my original macro lecture and attended a different one in order to witness the blessed cake cutting ceremony!!! hehehe Before: After: hehe wat a fun day!!! now everyone noes u love superman!!!!
Now recap on the horrible last week: Went to uni for all 6 days... mon - sat... sooo tiring considering most days i had to wake up early to get there... Mon - normal uni day but had accounting mid session @ 16.30 ... at least it was the earlier session... felt sorry for those who had it @ 18.30... i didn't get home till like around 7.30...hopefully i did ok... cos at least i got the direct and indirect method equalling... thats a good sign... Tues - normal uni day with psychology mid sessions @ 9 am... finally got my results back already... got 17/25... it was ok considering i studied the night b4.. due to stupid accounting finishing sooo late... also did another 2 experiments during this day due to 3 hour break as there was no accounting lecture... now up to 8 hours... therefore 2 more hours to go and i get my extra 4%!!! Wed - normal uni day... nothing special Thurs - normal uni day starting at 9am... but didn't have macro lecture so i had a 4.5 hour break in between somewhere... Fri - macro mid sessions @ 9.30am... omg... it was soo bad... im lucky if i pass.. i should've studied more for this... so screwed!!! Sat - woke up @ 5.45am to get ready for a 7am train at parra to go to city... the night b4 i had made sure i checked up all the times and planned out my whole timing right... but when i got to parra... there was trackwork... and dad wasnt assured that i could catch the bus to granville and change train to central... i was also scared it would ruin all my time planning... ending up driving me to unsw... but got there @ 7.30... 1 hour ahead of the actual meeting up time @ 8.30 for the field trip so we just sat in the car for most of the time... totally bored... the field trip was so tiring as well... but took a lot of pics.. hehe for my photo exhibit assessment and photographic essay... we went to sydenham, pyrmont, cabrammatta, canley vale, fairfield, ashfield... all around...so glad when we finished they dropped us off at central instead of going back to the uni.. cos then i would've definitely missed the 16.00 bus back to castle towers...and had to wait another hour b4 da next one...
anywayz... thats my blog for today... been really long... sorry... now i must get back to work... also need to go driving soon.. mum's been pestering...
Only 2 more days until the Accounting Mid Session Exam (on Mon) and then the Psychology Mid Sessions (on Tues) and ending with Macroeconomics Mid Sessions (on Fri)... hell is coming... i feel so stressed cos i cannot study... i keep on wondering off... not concentrating nor motivated to study but i must do betta in this exam especially in accounting cos mum was pissed off about my mark in the accounting quiz... threatening to take away my tvb in my room!!!! noooo.... i cannot live without tvb on my tv!!!!
other than that... i feel like i haven't done anything these few days... i noe i should be studying but i end up fully searching stuff on da net, or working on my website stuff or looking at tvb stuff...
RIP Steve Irwin and Peter Brock... i was so shocked to have heard Peter Brock died also yesterday... another aussie icon gone... and only within 4 days of each other... how freaky... both doing what they loved
theres advanced screening of "The Devil Wears Prada" at greater unions a week before da official release date for cinebuzz members... planning to go watch it with mary who also went to see "The Lake House" advanced screening with me... hehe i cant wait to watch it!!! but must finish reading the book first... but cant until the exams are ova!!! (click the picture for advance screening details)
Got my geography mid sessions results back already... it was so quick... i did the test monday morning and got the results on webCT tuesday morning... i did ok... got 11/15!!! considering i started studying the day b4 thats not that bad...
worst thing about next week isn't just the fact that i have exams... but have to go to uni for 6 days... stupid field trip for geography has to be on da weekend... have to meet up at 8:30 at UNSW gate 9!!! how early would i have to wake up?!?!?!? on a sat morning as well... im going to be sooooo tired cos i have badminton on friday nights which i dun finish till 22:30... i guess ill have to wake up at 6 to get to unsw in time... stupid hillbuses 610 only runs every hour eg 6:05 7:05 etc... which means da 6 one is too early and da 7 one might be too late!!! so ill prob be catching the train... hate central... last time i got lost... haha and never went back to central station again...>.<
anywayz... i have already wasted time writing this blog entry and my conscience is kicking in for me to study OR ELSE!!!! so thats it for now... hopefully ill be able to post more, like each day afta da exams!!!
I was pretty bored so i borrowed a book from da unsw library about flash mx... i always wanted to learn flash... so heres my first flash project... comment on how it was considering it was just something i quickly made... ps. the clicks have to be exactly on the letters
Grey's Anatomy Season 1, 2, 3 and 4 DVD Sets Private Practice Season 1 DVD Set NCIS Season 1, 2, 3 and 4 DVD Sets
NCIS Season 5 DVD Set
Twilight 2 Disc Special Edition DVD
Sex and the City Ultimate Collection DVD Set Sex and the City Movie DVD Charmed Ultimate Box Set 49 DVDs New Phone (Prada Phone by LG) Grey's Anatomy 2009 Calendar
Perfect Mandarin
Perfect Miniature Clay Craft A Job
TV Tuner for Laptop A new Netbook LCD TV
Finish My Website with more fans
Learn telephone manners, not to be scared of it (improving)
Overcome fear of flying
Learn more computing software/languages
Learn another language (eg Jap, French)
Travel to more places around the world
Fully Clean Up Room Pink (or Metallic Rose) Nintendo DS Lite
Loved Series
TVB Series
Triumph in the Skies 衝上雲霄
Maiden's Vow 鳳凰四重奏
La Femme Desperado 女人唔易做
Detective Investigators IV 刑事偵緝檔案IV
Just Love 老婆大人
Life Made Simple 阿旺新傳
Square Pegs 戇夫成龍
War of In-Laws 我的野蠻奶奶 Jap Series
Good Luck グッドラック
Golden Bowl ゴールデンボウル Korean Series
Princess Hours aka Goong 궁
Sassy Girl Chun Hyang 쾌걸춘향
My Girl 마이걸
My Lovely Sam Soon 내 이름은 김삼순
Jewel in the Palace 대장금
Something About 1% 1%의 어떤 것 Taiwanese Series
They Kiss Again 惡作劇2吻
Hanazakarino_Kimitachihe 花樣少年少女
Fated to Love You 命中注定我愛你
(I recommend all of these series!!! must watch!!!)