My Way
Its good isn't it? i love it!!! Anywayz... i betta gt back to doing my CA Application due sunday!!! so its like my no.1 priority rite now!!! also cant wait to finish reading!!! cant wait to see the movie!!!
for those who haven't seen the trailer... here it is:
posted by tvbmadness @ 3:39 pm
posted by tvbmadness @ 9:28 pm
have you ever:
*stole something? does it count if it from sista?
*eaten something that is not meant to be consumed? no
*jumped off a high dive? nope
*had alcohol? yes
*done a disgusting dare in truth or dare? nope
*burped in front of the opposite sex? haha of course
*mistook a guy for a girl or vise versa? dun noe how many times!! haha
*ridden a horse? nope
*threw up out in public? of course la... ppl who noe me noe why...
*spread a rumor about somebody? dun think so...
*been in a car wreck? no
*done a belly flop? yes
*been cheated on (in a relationship)? nope... haven't even been in a relationship
*been in love? no
*hugged a gross person? not that i noe of...
*seen a celebrity in real life? heaps la!!!
*hated somebody? yeh
*had a bug fly in your mouth? near my mouth...
*choked on something stupid like water or spit? yes ahhaha
*been in a fistfight? no
*been delirious? yes
*been told you were hott? not that i noe of...
*been told you were cute? yeah
*had your parents embarrass you? definitely
*had siblings embarrass you? yes
*did something really embarrassing in front of your crush/bf/gf? errrr
*said something that sounded perverted? errrr...
*had an animal poop on you? yep
*had something happen that made you think you were psychic? nope
can you:
*burp on purpose/command? sometimes
*do the worm? heh?
*do a back bend? used to...
*do a cartwheel? yep
*fold your tongue? nope
*make yourself turn blue? no
*move your ears? nope
*do impressions of famous people or cartoons? nope
*hold your breath for a long time? no
*cook very well? no way!!!
*do household chores (like washing dishes, laundry, etc.)? easy things not all...
*sing very well? depends... i dunnoe myself...
*dance very well? i believe i suck!!!
*draw very well? not very well... but i liked drawing...
*swim very well? yep...i think so... i used to swim squad...
*write very well? errr.. no... really poor imagination and vocab...
*act very well (like drama stuff)? errr... dunnoe
*speak another language fluently? yep.. hehe
do you:
*snort when you laugh? done it a few times
*have really weird dreams? yeh...
*sleep in a weird position? i believe so..
*travel a lot? once every year to hk as alot?
*eat foreign foods? jap food
*think you're worthless sometimes? err... when ppl put me down
*love yourself? of course la
*go to church a lot? not christian or catholic... or any other for that matter... only been a few times...
*do sports? badminton every 2 weeks?
*play an instrument? used to... da piano...
*love your family? of course la...
*think you look good? no
*get on the computer a lot? like most of my time when im not watching tv
*like rock music? no
*like rap music? no
*like soul or r&b music? okay la
*like hip hop music? okay la
*like country music? no
*like techno, electronic, or dance music? errr... dunnoe da difference
*like dancing? not in front of ppl though
*like writing? no
*like taking pictures? yep!!!
*like to be messy? only to a certain extent
*like the opposite sex more for their looks? depends
*like the opposite sex more for their personality? depends
*love money a lot? only to buy da stuff i want...
*have a crush on someone? rite now? no...
*have someone who is crushing on you? errr.. how would i noe?
*have someone who hates your guts? hope not la...
Instructions: Bold everything that applies to you right now.
I am wearing socks.
My TV is on.
I'm watching the TV as I do this.
I am cold.
I'm getting ready to go out.
I'm bored.
There is someone in the room with me.
I'm happy.
I'm waiting for something.
I'm updating my Xanga.
I have music on.
That music is rap, rock or country.
I have a friend over.
I'm in my own room.
There is a pet in my room.
I can hear someone talking.
My window/balcony is open.
The computer I am on is not mine.
I am wearing more than 3 pieces of jewellery.
The room I am in is messy.
The weather is really nice.
The A/C is on.
I am naked.
I'm going to bed soon.
I'm sitting on a chair with wheels.
I have a bag on.
It is past midnight.
I'm worried about something.
I'm avoiding something by doing this instead.
My garbage can is empty.
My blinds/curtains are shut.
I am mad at someone.
I am hoping someone messages or calls me.
I just did a survey before this.
I am doing another one after this.
I just came back from work or school.
I'm hoping this survey ends soon.
There's a candle burning.
The computer is the only source of light.
I can smell something.
The sun is still up.
I need to pee.
I should be doing something more important.
I have more sites open.
I am signed on MSN/AIM/Yahoo.
I am chatting to 3 or more people.
I have some kind of game opened.
I don't know why I am doing this survey
posted by tvbmadness @ 2:14 pm
posted by tvbmadness @ 11:14 pm